Reverse String Without Changing Place of Special Characters

Abdulla Ansari
1 min readDec 3, 2022


Hi Programmer,

Today we are going to solve a string problem in python. Here you will get a string containing numbers and some special characters. We have to reverse this string without changing the place of the special characters.

*Input: * “123$456%789*0^”

*Output: * “098$765%432*1^”

So let’s start our coding

Solution: 1

seq = "123$456%789*0^"
output = "098$765%432*1^"

chars = ['$', '%', '*', '#', '^']
nums = []

for i in range(len(seq)):
if seq[i] not in chars:


for j in seq:
if j in chars:
idx = seq.index(j)
nums.insert(idx, j)

reverse = "".join(nums)


Solution: 2

ip_str = "123$456%789*0^"

rev_str = reversed(ip_str)
op_str = ""
for value in ip_str:
if value.isdigit():
for rev_val in rev_str:
if rev_val.isdigit():
op_str += rev_val
op_str += value

Here there were two types we can solve this problem. There can be more types also if you find anything, let’s discuss it in the room.

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Abdulla Ansari

A professional software engineer and passionate technical writer